Digestive Difficulties

Digestive difficulties include any problems of the digestive tract from its beginning in the mouth to its end at the anus.  Problems in the digestive tract can result in many different symptoms including pain, gas, acid reflux, ulcers, difficulty passing stool, poor nutrient absorption, and anemia.  The following are some examples of treatments provided for various common digestive difficulties:

  • Acid reflux - stomach contents bypassing the lower esophagial sphincter and entering esophagus, causing pain.  Acupuncture is applied to strengthen the lower esophageal sphincter, relax tension in the stomach muscle, and improve digestion in the stomach.  Acupressure or reflexology may also be applied to relax the stomach muscle and improve digestion.
  • Ulcers - irritation and inflammation in the lining of the stomach or intestines.  Acupuncture is applied to reduce inflammation and pain as well as improve circulation and speed the healing process.  Acupressure or reflexology may also be applied to reduce inflammation and improve circulation.
  • Irritable bowel syndrome - a complex of digestive symptoms which result in unpredictable and painful bowel movements.  Acupuncture is applied to reduce inflammation and pain, relax intestinal muscles, and regulate peristalsis.  Acupressure, reflexology, and heat therapy may also be applied to relax intestinal muscles and regulate peristalsis. 
  • Crohn's Disease - systemic inflammation of the lining of the digestive tract, resulting in pain and various digestive dysfunctions.  Acupuncture is applied to reduce inflammation and pain as well as improve circulation to speed healing of the digestive tract tissue.  Acupressure or reflexology may also be applied to reduce inflammation and improve circulation.
  • Hemorrhoids - inflamed blood vessels in the lower rectum and anus.  Acupuncture is applied to reduce inflammation and pain as well as improve circulation to reduce swelling.